Version Information


v1.0:Similar to the CEERS NIRCam pipeline, improve WCS calibration and background subtraction algorithms.

v1.1:Modify Modify the pipeline to move the WISP and 1/f processing steps to Stage 2, in order to insert the persistence masking process.

v1.2:Optimize the 1/f algorithm by setting the striping value to 0 when the mask exceeds 85% for any row or column. Also, optimize the outlier clipping algorithm.

v1.3:Construct a reference catalog using F814W and F160W, then create the F150W image. Next, use F150W and F160W to construct a reference catalog for processing NIRCAM data in other bands.

v1.4:Optimize the outlier clipping algorithm; build the first version of the reference catalog for UDS using UKIDSS, F814W, and F160W, with subsequent calibration processing methods identical to v1.3.

v1.4.1:Fix the WCS issue in COSMOS and UDS for F090W, F115W, and F200W.

v1.5:Introduce a new WISP subtraction algorithm (currently not used for data), update the WISP template, optimize mask construction for 1/f removal and background processing, improve the outlier clipping algorithm, fix a bug in the read noise construction, and resolve background issues in the files before the final drizzle.

v1.0:JWST Calibration pipeline v1.12.5; CRDS pmap 1179

v1.1:JWST Calibration pipeline v1.12.5; CRDS pmap 1179

v1.2:JWST Calibration pipeline v1.12.5; CRDS pmap 1183

v1.3:JWST Calibration pipeline v1.12.5; CRDS pmap 1185

v1.4:JWST Calibration pipeline v1.12.5; CRDS pmap 1185

v1.5:JWST Calibration pipeline v1.13.4; CRDS pmap 1236


v1.0:Built based on the CEERS MIRI and our NIRCAM v1.1 pipeline.

v1.1:Fix bug where model.meta.wcs, model.meta.wcsinfo, and model.meta.cal_step.tweakreg were not updated after WCS calibration in the data model.

v1.2:Similar to NIRCAM v1.4, build the reference catalog using F444W and F160W for MIRI WCS calibration.

v1.3:Fix WCS calibration issues in the pipeline.

v1.3.1:Fix the WCS issue in COSMOS and UDS for F770W.

v1.4:Improve the flat image construction algorithm (for detection, dq, and error), and update the strategy to create a flat image every 6 months; add an outlier masking step.

v1.0:JWST Calibration pipeline v1.12.5; CRDS pmap 1177

v1.1:JWST Calibration pipeline v1.12.5; CRDS pmap 1179

v1.2:JWST Calibration pipeline v1.12.5; CRDS pmap 1185

v1.3:JWST Calibration pipeline v1.12.5; CRDS pmap 1185

v1.4:JWST Calibration pipeline v1.13.4; CRDS pmap 1216